unlocking the power of satelight internet has never been easier than now.
am going to take you step by step on how to unleash this powerful internet into your homes.
what you'll require:
1. dreambox preferably 700s but there are cheaper alternatives
2. cable modem preferably linksys
3. splitter to split coaxial connection
4. a computer prefarably running on linux
5. and thats it
so first you take the coaxial cable and insert it into the splitter taking note of the name of the satelight and which degree you are tapping your connection from. i usually use the eurosat satelight 36 degrees east A.
now u insert the splitted connection into both your router and satelight reciever.
connect them to your linux or windows computer and on your browser run the following proxy port: port 80 and note these proxy ports heavily depend on the satelight your tapping on and you should be able to connect. sometimes dependant on the sateligth, the connection might be very unstable so u need to run a couple of linux commands to stabilise it.
NB when using these steps, the connection is usually very slow but to achieve maximum high speed satelight internet, you need to use a couple of softwares on windows machines like wireshark and on linux, commands that i actually have but am just feeling lazy to type but u can reach me on email for more details or simply call me on +256700637900.
and to my fans I'll surely share a pdf book i wrote on a detailed way of tapping satellite Internet and maximizing speeds.
what i can use instead of a dreambox.
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